Product Managers Skill Assessment

Product Manager's Skills survey - A standard survey to analyze the level of product managerial skills and the most significant gaps & development areas

  • The idea of the product management maturity model is to describe, how a company and its management team can develop and extend the capabilities of products management in order to perform better.
  • The origin of the model lies in the idea of phases or stages, which a company usually goes through as it adapts to new cultural issues, processes, management practices, business concepts, and modes of operation.
  • These stages represent the organizational growth, learning, and development that occur as new methods are implemented in large corporations.
  • Copyright owned by Antti Sääksvuori // Sirrus Publishing ISBN 978-952-67529-4


Product Manager’s Skills survey

- A standard survey to analyze product managerial skills profile and the most significant gaps & development areas

The survey contains 15 statements related to a standard product manager profile and base competences with multiple choice answers. Based on the given answers the system calculates points and compares the points with standard scale of 4 performance classes as well as a peer group answers (same field of business, same company size).

Once finished with the questionnaire, you will be able to run a report with:

  • Comparison of your points against standard scale
  • Comparison of your points against peer group
  • 3 areas of best skills
  • 3 areas of skills to focus
  • Summary of your answers
  • Skills development suggestions

4 Performance classes in both surveys

More than 75% of the maximum points - Best of breed // Benchmark group

50-75% - Average + performer

25-50% - Below average

0-25% - Laggards


At the moment the database contains 500+ answers to compare with

All answers are anonymous with out any reference to the person answering


Pricing & alternative packages

    1. Individual survey with report (one person) – 100€ excl. VAT
    2. Package of individual surveys with reports (4-9 persons) 300€ excl. VAT
    3. Package of individual surveys with reports (10-20 persons) 600€ excl. VAT
    4. Survey tool and database as a service (min. 6 mth commitment, run as many times as you want) 100€ mth. excl. VAT
    5. Company report package & expert comments and proposals for product management development ask for a quote
      • Business unit / location & company based report generation (differences between BU’s / locations)
      • Company total answers compared to peer group
      • Specified number of users based on request